Dear Mountains,

Miss Mountains

I realize it is a little peculiar for you to receive a Thank you card during this strange time. Anyways, How have you been? How are you dealing with Coronacoaster? I know it tough for you too(like us) not meeting your admirers and dear ones. But I presume this break time helping you to encounter solitary time. As a mountain lover, I want to thank you for everything that you have given and taught me.

Much thanks for teaching me to be humble and quiet(when required the most). Isn’t it bizarre how without saying a word, your silence provides warmth like nobody? You have been an extraordinary example of solidarity and contentment for me. I am missing the time I have spent in your arms cuddled with harmony and isolation.

The steep cliffs, slippery edges, or much rains are only a part of the dangers that one can expose to. Yet, once a person overcomes these situations and defeats the fear. There is nothing more exhilarating than that. I am exposed to all. I figured out that’s the reason being more associated with you.

Mountains for the Spiritual Guidance

Be it snow peaks or peaks with sunrises from lush green mountains, you have been spectacular. You are home to rich flora and fauna which is breathtaking. Likewise, you take care of them at whatever point required. Being so strong and powerful, you are always down to earth which teaches me great life lessons. Sir Edmund Hillary said, “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” This statement is evident. Whenever I have been in the mountains, I can perceive every breath. And can get the vision changing to a clearer picture from the hazy ones.

At the point when I am out in the mountains, I am focused to remain calm, wonder, and relax. The way your serenity helps me tuning in to my inner voices is complete bliss. Whenever I am encircled by nature, I have experienced a flow of life and energy passed on to me.

Life is more like climbing a mountain. We face obstacles and challenges in both. we fall and stand again. But we do not stop ourselves from coming to a definitive goal. A few times, we need to take planned roads. Yet some times some obscure turns come in our way which looks scary and uncertain. but after crossing that one feels more confident and happy. because we know we are moving towards our destination.

I used to be a sluggish person and never thought I could ever be a frequent traveler and would enjoy doing that. Lately, I began cherishing that. Now whenever I travel north, its the best gift I give to myself. I can’t thank you enough for offering me a mysterious embrace when I am confused or lost. You have always helped me to declutter my thoughts and giving me a space for introspection.

See you soon. (or Maybe not !! or in 2021)

Yours Truly,
Forever Mountain Lover


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